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Article: Laiejewelry announces jewelry design competition for 3rd annivery

Laiejewelry announces jewelry design competition for 3rd annivery

Laiejewelry announces jewelry design competition for 3rd annivery

Laiejewelry is celebrating its 3rd anniversary with a jewelry design competition.

The first-place winner will receive a piece of jewelry from their own design and a $50 gift card.

Designers from around the world are invited to participate in the competition by submitting their original designs before April 30th.

The guidelines for the competition:

1️⃣ MUST feature a Cuban link chain

2️⃣ Incorporate the letter “J” into the design

"We are thrilled to celebrate our 3rd anniversary with this exciting competition," said the spokesperson for Laie Jewelry. "We are looking forward to seeing the creativity and innovation from the designers."

Entries will be judged on creativity, originality, and adherence to the guidelines.

The winner will be announced on May 15th on the Laie jewelry website and social media channels.

Don't know what to custom? Checkout our real custom desgin.

Designers interested in participating can submit their designs via email to or online form.

About Laie Jewelry

Laie Jewelry is a hip hop jewelry brand known for its unique and innovative designs. They specialize in creating high-quality jewelry pieces that are both stylish and affordable and customing pendants, chains, rings, etc..

The brand has gained a loyal following for its commitment to quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction.

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